Alifeiras Archaeological Place |
The ruins of ancient city Alifeiras are found in the top of the oblong hill (800m length aproximately from northeast to southwest), that is raised above the current village Alifeira (former Rogkozio). The wall that surrounded the ancient city is very well maintened in certain points, while the more well maintained tower ("Tower of Boybalas") has dimensions 9x3,70 and is saved in height of 6m aproximately.
Alifeira came in the light afterwards the excavations of professor An. Orlandou in the 1932-33 and it was identified with facility to the ancient city, after Pausanias had given explicit description of the place (Pausanias VIII, 26.4), and he places it in distance of 40 stages from neighbouring Iraia. In the taller point of hill dominates the citadel surrounded by a wall, that occupies its southern department and little more southerly is found the sacred precinct of Athina with the temple, where it was placed the colossal cupreous statue of the goddess. In the other edge of the hill is found the temple of Asklipios. The space in front of the Citadel was established to be named "Suburb of the Edge" according to Polybios (IV, 78, 11) and was the lived department of the hill. The inhabitance of the city began from the means of 6th century B.C. In 4th c. B.C, the city adhered in the public of Arcadians. In 224 B.C. the tyrant of Megalopolis Lydiadas granted for personal profits Alifeira to the natives of Ilia. In 219 B.C. Philippos E' became the lord of the city after a long siege. In 191 B.C. Alifeira is included among the cities of Achaic Sympoliteias and acquires its own sovereign and currency. Last information about Alifeira is given Pausanias (VII 26.4), who visited the area round the 177 A.D. and it says that on his days Alifeira was a great place of culture.
The grave monuments
The necropolis of Alifeiras was unfolded in Eastern and southern sides of the hill. From the six grave monuments that were revealed after excavations, more important and better saved is the named "grave of Sethea", according to the engraved sign in his facade. The grave is constituted by a small courtyard framed by two walls. Its facade is big with pediment and behind this exists four apartments for the placement of deads.
The temple of Asklipios
The temple of Asklipios is found in distance of 450m. westwards of the temple of Athina and it was manufactured in the means of 4th cent. B.C. they have been found remains from the temple, the altar, a square building ' that very probably corresponds in hostel or residence of priests and one big statue. The temple has width: 5,75m. and length: 9,30m. His exterior walls are constituted from well structured sand rocks. The flooring was covered by big stone plates. At its cleaning there were found a lot of departments of lime mortar with a effervescent red coat. In the depth of mainly temple existed a cubic pedestal where was set up the statue of Asklipios. Round the pedestal were found items of timbers and two departments of ivory.
The municipal apartment Almond Trees in the old days was named Zelechoba and according with the survey of 2001 has 801 residents. It is constituted by the settlements of Down Almond trees (406), Almond trees (140) Kerameidia (97) and by Krana (188) residents. The main job of the residents is the rural cultures and the livestock-farming.
The municipal apartment of Bresto according survey of 2001 had 436 residents with the settlement Loggon (63). Bresto is a very beautiful small
mountainous village with planes and running waters, in the foot of mountain. It is found 16 km southerly of Kallithea and has 150 residents roughly.